When you are finally able to break past a habit it is sooo beneficial.
Through the relapse phase of insanity to the talon stage, I was able to grow out of one habit, then it's on to the next one...
Question everyone seems to have to someone who has successfully broken this all too common habit: how did you do it?
First of all you have to learn to fight your urge. I'm sure everyone gets that a lot, and they always say it's not helpful, but you really do have to set your mind to ridding yourself of the problem. Another thing that could help is always having some gum around, so whenever you feel like biting you nails just take out a piece of gum, but that could give you long term TMJ problems, but it could not so whatever works.
Next is taking care of your nails and bringing them back up to a normal HEALTHY stage. After the YEARS of nail biting I and I am sure many other people have gone through, your nails become really thin, dry, weak, and are prone to breaking. Fear not! There is a cure!
So I know the pictures are bad, but they are Nail Tek nail therapy "polishes" I guess you could say. You apply a coat every night and clean your nails at the end of the week and start over, but another key component is the pH balance of your nail. Because acetone is the most efficient way to thoroughly clean your nail it is really harsh on the pH balance of the nail, but guess what? There's a cure for that too!
So this stuff, Chip Skip, saved my LIFE! Any time I put on polishes they always came off whether they peeled off or the whole design came off in one piece. The pH balance of the nail was off which was making it hard for my nails to keep the polish on. This stuff is like crazy! So it's like watery but when you put it on it dries as quick as acetone. I got a free sample which is really tiny and I am STILL using it and I have had it for a LONG time now, and I also share it with my mom, so A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY!
The next tip I guess is to get creative with your nails. Do cute little designs on your nails with polish, or even just your favorite color on your nails. Seeing your beautiful creation that could have taken a half hour per hand to make would probably make you more motivated to not bite at your nails, because you would destroy your hard work.
But yeah! After the rehab stage you have to work past your laziness and cut your nails or else they will grow out and be a pain in the neck haha I have learned that!
Good luck to anyone who is trying to terminate their habit, and to anyone else, hope you enjoyed this not so exciting story...
Listening to Shakira.... yes.