Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Off Day

Today is definitely an off day for me.

One other detail that I forgot to mention in my last post was that I have also been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I have it under control, for the most part, I take my medications daily and overall my life has definitely been on the upswing, but nobody's perfect, right?

I just don't feel as confident in myself today as I have the rest of the week so far. I think it's just one of those days where I just don't feel good about myself and there's no real reason behind it. It's tough for me right now. I am in the midst of packing for my boyfriend and I to move, but he's in California for annual training with the Marine Corps. He won't be back until a few days before our move out date. So right now it's just me with the two dogs at home trying to balance tutoring, caring for my dogs, and all of the pre-moving tasks on a list that seems unending.

I just need to find a way of getting my momentum back.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

5 Years Later...

I'm surprised I was ever able to find the time to write a blog post. I'll try and catch you up. I now have two adorable Chihuahua mix breed doggies: Milo, a boy who's a schnauzer poodle chihuahua; and Ivy, a girl who's a Chiweenie.
the day I got Ivy 8/30/2016
Milo and Ivy cuddling 4/27/2017
 I'm going to be entering my senior year at LSU. I am majoring in Sport Administration with a double concentration in Sport Commerce and Sport Leadership with a minor in Business. During my junior year, I began my internship with the Cox Communications Academic Center for Student-Athletes (CCACSA).

During my free time, I like to binge-watch Friends while making money on InboxDollars. And you know what's so funny is, around the time I started this blog, I was looking for something like InboxDollars, some easy way to make some money online, but kept failing to find anything that wasn't just a scam. A big reason for that was because I was so young, I was pretty much a useless demographic, and I wasn't about to build an early record of fraudulence.

 And with the knowledge of Excel and economics that I have acquired throughout the course of my college career thus far, I made a plan: put my InboxDollars checks into savings and learn about the stock market (oh, btw, only reason why I am considering this is because I am already over $100,000 in student loan debt and I haven't even completed undergrad).

That definitely isn't everything but I've gotten you up to speed. And I'm about to do a massive blog facelift (I apologize for the years that I obsessed over neon colors and black and emo-punk).

I also need to make myself a new outro signature.... in the works.....